On Yamal new especially protected territories are created

On Yamal new especially protected territories are created
New especially protected territories are created on Yamal. It is natural park Juribej and заказник "Sobty-Jugansky". The decision about their organisation was signed by the governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov.

As have told in the press-service of the governor of district, natural park Juribej includes natural complexes and the objects having considerable ecological and aesthetic value, and is intended for use in the nature protection, educational and recreational purposes. The park in territory of the Yamal area on the area in 509544, 3 hectares is located.

State biological заказник regional value "Sobty-Jugansky" it is located in territory of Priuralsky and Shuryshkarsky areas, occupying the space in 358429 hectares.

It is known that ecosystems of the Arctic territories are extremely vulnerable and demand constant and scale care. And creation of especially protected territories in district is an effective measure in environment savings.

Today in territory of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region especially protected 14 territories, nine of which the regional value, five — federal function.

And the first in region заказник has been created in 1981. Each territory, except an overall aim — protection of an animal and flora, — has a singular problem. If in biological заказнике federal value "Kunovatsky" a mainstream is protection of a sacred crane for radical northerners стерха in Messo-Jahinsky biological заказнике do all for preservation in a primordial form of places of mass nesting тундряного a swan, белолобого a goose and other rare waterfowls.

Besides, the special status of these territories allows to save up natural complexes of tundra typical for the Far North, forest-tundra, Polar Ural Mountains, the rivers and district lakes.

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