The role of Yamal-Nenets district in country development is recognized by unique

The role of Yamal-Nenets district in country development is recognized by unique
Experience of Yamal in sphere of use of natural resources and preservation of the environment has been considered in the Federation Council.

«In autonomous region of openly 232 deposits of hydrocarbonic raw materials from which only 65 are in industrial working out, 19 deposits are prepared for operation. On 148 deposits prospecting works» are conducted, — the first deputy of governor YANAO Vladimir Vladimirov has reported on at the expanded session of Committee on natural resources and preservation of the environment of the Federation Council.

He has noticed that in region the current reconnoitered stocks of natural gas, including a shelf of Kara sea, make 70 % from Russian (19 % from world's reserves of natural gas), the share of stocks of liquid hydrocarbons (oil and a gas condensate) reaches districts in the Russian stocks of 14 % (a hundredth part from world's reserves).

The lecturer focused attention that the riches of region are formed also at the expense of water and wood resources. We will note, the river network of Yamal consists from nearby 50 thousand rivers, streams and a channel, in region are located about 300 thousand lakes, and the wood fund of district makes about 32 million in hectare.

During discussion participants of the expanded session have noticed that in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region the necessary legislative base giving ample opportunities of influence on an investment climate by regulation of conditions of the taxation, introduction of side benefits in priority spheres of economy is generated.

In district considerable experience of interaction of public authorities of the various levels, managing subjects, public organizations on realization of a principle of joint conducting in sphere of possession, using and the order is stored by the earth, bowels, water and other natural resources.

The chairman of Committee on natural resources and preservation of the environment of the Federation Council Victor Orlov hasn'ted a unique role of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region in development of Russia.

He has informed that the Committee will consider carrying out possibility in region of exit session on which experience and problems недропользования, arising in the course of interaction at realization of powers of federal and regional authorities will be in more details analysed.

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