In Salekhard passed raid on illegal immigrants
In Salekhard passed interdepartmental raid on identification of the people who are illegally living in the territory of the city. Action took place in a realization framework "The additional plan on situation stabilization with fires and consequences from them in the municipality territory the city of Salekhard for November-December, 2013".
The new crossing through the river Nadym will be constructed in the shortest terms
"In the spring of 2014 movement has to be organized already on a new crossing", "A task – to keep within with all organizational and technical actions some months. The new crossing has to start working in the spring of 2014 and to provide safe transport connection of Nadym and area settlements up to the end of construction of the bridge crossing"
Yamal accepts Olympic flame
In the capital of Yamal – Salekhard – I passed a stage of Relay of Olympic flame. In the morning of the same day Relay was accepted by Novy Urengoy. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area became the 23rd subject of the Russian Federation and the first among subjects of Ural federal district in which territory there took place Relay.
The Olympic rings decorated Salekhard and Novy Urengoy
Salekhard and Novy Urengoy were included into number of the cities in which architectural forms in the form of big Olympic rings – the main symbol of Olympic Games are established. Salekhard is included in number of the cities where the main Olympic symbol is established. Rings will decorate the cities up to the end of the Olympic winter Games of 2014.
The season of "pillows" is postponed until steady frosts
On a crossing Salekhard and Labytnangi there took place check of readiness of the ice route for continuous work of transportations by all-terrain vehicles on airbags. "The route isn't ready yet to transportation of passengers". For today the safest way of movement through Ob – helicopter transportations.
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