On polling districts installation of webcams has begun
On polling districts of Yamal there is an installation of system of video observation. On each site will establish on two videocameras. Predictably, this work will come to the end in the end of February.
The new head of administration of the city of Labytnangi is selected
In December present head of administration Serej Karasev declared the resignation at own will in connection with transition to other place of work. According to the municipal union Charter, in case of the preschedule termination of powers of the head of administration, its duty the assistant appointed according to the decision of the Municipal duma in full executes.
Command of KVN of Yamal submit Sochi
In Sochi starts XXIII International festival of commands of KVN of "KiViN-2012" in which four commands from Yamal-Nenets autonomous region take part at once that is an original record for all history of Yamal KVN-movement. Let's remind that following the results of last year's festival KVN command «National team of Yamal» became one of winners and has received the invitation in television First league of KVN.
People should live in remote places comfortably
The governor of Yamal works in Shuryshkarsky area. Early in the morning together with the assistants Dmitry Kobylkin has taken off for settlement Muzhi where now there passes a meeting of the head of region with inhabitants. Participation in conversation is accepted by heads of the enterprises and area departments, representatives of administration of municipality, leaders of public organizations, political parties and trade unions.
The Yamal sportsmen prepare for the Arctic Winter games
In March in the Canadian city of Whitehorse the Arctic Winter games participation in which will accept the Yamal delegation under the direction of the assistant to the Governor – directors of department international and foreign economic relations YANAOof Alexander Mazharova will take place.
On Yamal it is planned to increase oil recovery
By 2020 on Yamal oil recovery will be considerably increased. About it it is told in developed by the government of district of Strategy of social and economic development YANAO till 2020. As they say in the document, despite intensive working out of gas fields of Yamal oil extracting remains a perspective direction for autonomous region economy. To increase "oil" volumes it is supposed on Komsomol, North Komsomol,..
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