In Labytnangi for preschool children build the fantastic lock
On a building site of kindergarten on 300 places in the 3rd residential district of the city of Labytnangi the whole week there takes place check of Service of the state construction supervision. Alexey Tsitsilin, the head of department of service told about the revealed violations: "Essential remarks aren't present, there are what concern derogation from the project. We address to the builder that they brought construction into accord with project documentation. Builders on this object treat seriously the duties. During control such violation was eliminated, for example: they now have a process of facing by construction materials, on them snow falls, builders don't close them. It is necessary to close that short circuit didn't happen. We discussed this question with the contractor and agreed that next week all of them обметут and will close that the material didn't become wet" .
Testing of service of state construction supervision undergo on all stages of construction. On their this construction object was already a little: at a stage of installation of the pile basis, construction of a box of the building, further there will be checks on internal finishing works, engineering systems, etc. Usually most of all remarks on object is registered at a final stage of construction because complexity of works increases. Various types of checks, such as on compliance of fire safety or safety of engineering systems increase also.
"Works on the basic constructive elements of a box of the building are complete. Now activities for a laying, warming of a facade and the roof device are conducted. Soon we plan to finish installation of a metal framework on a building roof. We go according to the schedule, experts suffice, materials too" , - Alexander Andreyev told.
The total area of the three-storyed building is 13037,86 sq.m. In kindergarten it is planned to place 16 groups, among them 4 yaselny groups and 12 preschool. On the first floor yaselny groups, on the second floor younger and average, on the third – preschool and preparatory groups will settle down. In the left and right wing of the building group cells will take place, in the central part of the building additional premises of kindergarten, and also administrative and office and economic and household rooms are built.
"Besides group rooms on the first floor the massage office, an office water - and physiotreatments, an office of the psychologist, a speleochamber and the touch room are designed, - were reported by the deputy director of district management of capital construction Sergey Cherkashin. – Also on the first floor there will be an office of manual skills, the LFK hall and the phytobar. The floor on the first floor in groups of a day nursery will be with heating. On the second floor there will be groups. There will be a pool, a computer class, the sports hall and a music hall. On the second floor offices of logopedists and a nature office are provided. On the third floor oboruduyutgimnastichesky hall, fine art studio and леготеку. Here the office of the social teacher" will take place.
For frosty days in kindergarten the walking verandahs, separate for each group, and a winter garden are provided. Main entrance to the building will allocate with the kristalloobrazny glazed stained-glass window of a winter garden. Two towers of a staircase with a weather vane will make kindergarten similar to the fantastic lock.
At an entrance to the building the ramp for availability of handicapped groups of the population and arrival of carriages is provided. Delivery of freights to the second floor will be carried out by the freight elevator on 100 kilograms, the fire-prevention elevator – specially equipped for use by fire divisions is indoors provided also at fires in buildings.
It is planned to get permission to object input in operation in the 2nd quarter 2015, construction is conducted at the expense of budget funds of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area.
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