"Yamal" in Tyumen becomes even more comfortable

"Yamal" in Tyumen becomes even more comfortable
The director of Fund of housing construction of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Victor Kalashnikov visited the residential district "Yamal" in Tyumen and met new settlers. It together with the first deputy director general of JSC Zapsibgazprom Andrey Yasnev visited Toporov' family which received keys three days ago and I became populated to the spacious well-planned apartment.

Nadezhda Sergeevna Toporova arrived to Tyumen from Nadym where worked 29 years. It is the first apartment which she received for the life. According to her, very much I pleased repair: equal walls, beautiful modern wall-paper. In the apartment the electric stove, counters on water, warm and the electric power is established. In kitchen – small set, in a corridor – a hall. "I am, how in the fairy tale! Still it isn't believed that it happens to me! Many thanks for care of veterans of Yamal", - is told by the northerner.

We will remind, the builder of the Yamal residential district in Tyumen is JSC Zapsibgazprom. The residential district is handed over in December, 2013, now there is the next stage of settling of residents. All of them are participants of the "Resettlement of Inhabitants of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area from the Region of the Far North" program. From February 3 to February 14 155 more families become new settlers. From new apartments yamalets receive keys in the monolithic four-access 17-storeyed house.

Thanks to close interaction of Fund of housing construction of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Zapsibgazprom and Sibenergostroy management company residence in the residential district everything becomes more comfortable. We will remind, during a business trip of the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area to the residential district the Yamal veterans complained that small benches in the yard are established without backs that to inconveniently elderly people. At the request of inhabitants of a bench were replaced on more convenient – with backs, and in addition established arbors. In the summer on roads in the yards "lying police officers" will be established to provide silence and quiet rest of inhabitants of the residential district.

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