Small business of Yamal got stronger

Small business of Yamal got stronger
The governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Dmitry Kobylkin took part in a public meeting of regional Council for development of small and average business (MSP) in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area which passes today in Noyabrsk.

"We hold for the first time our meeting in an open mode, – were told by Dmitry Kobylkin opening Council work. – Our main objective – to provide effective interaction of business community and authorities in questions of development of business on Yamal. In the current year implementation of the existing program on business support therefore the our main task – to determine key parameters of the new document for the forthcoming period comes to an end. Small business of Yamal considerably got stronger. Almost twice the number of small enterprises and a turn of their activity increased. For 30% the number of the people occupied in this sphere increased. Turns of small and average business make 12% of a gross regional product. If to exclude activities for production and transportations of hydrocarbons, the share of small business makes nearly a third of region economy (26%). It is convinced that we will be able to estimate not simply existing measures of support, but also to find new options of development taking into account the having potential" , – the Head of the region told, opening meeting.

Small business of Yamal got stronger

In work of Council deputy governors of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, the director of departments, representatives of the management of a number of municipalities of the autonomous area, the non-profit organizations, expressing interests of subjects of MSP, members of council on development of small and average business take part in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area – Association on economic development of the indigenous small people of the North, Fund of microfinancing of subjects of small business of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Yamalpotrebsoyuz, the Youth center of technologies of employment, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Yamal-Nenets office of public organization "Support of Russia", representatives of enterprise community from the district and Russia cities, journalists.

The official part of work of Council was preceded by opening of the "Measures of Support of Subjects of Small and Average Business in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area" exhibition. Then plenary session in which end Dmitry Kobylkin summed up its work took place. "It is convinced that our today's meeting gave a lot of food for reflections, – the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area told. – I want to stop on one important point. Last year the President of Russia founded a position of the Representative by the rights of businessmen. We long waited for adoption of the federal law which would fix activities of the Representative for the rights of businessmen in subjects of Federation, but his acceptance was tightened. Therefore, without waiting this document, I initiated the draft of the district law. Tomorrow it will be considered by deputies of Legislative assembly". Further the Head of the region presented to participants of Council of the candidate for a position Authorized by the rights of businessmen in Dmitry Bavdurnogo's autonomous area. Having in brief characterized it as possessing "long-term experience in the human rights sphere", Dmitry Kobylkin expressed confidence that he will cope with this work. "Thus lack of own enterprise things does its independent of freight of possible communications and will provide an objective assessment of arriving addresses, – the Governor noted. – My first assignment and request to you – to make the list of the most acute problems facing the ombudsman on protection of the rights of businessmen. Soon we will consider it at a round table", – Dmitry Kobylkin told.

Speaking about the candidate, the Governor noted that it will be a shame to it not to cope with the charged business because he loves the Homeland and Yamal. Dmitry Kobylkin wished to Dmitry Bavdurnom to listen and attentively to penetrate into problems of businessmen, to be persistent in their decision and the most open: "... Because by the light of a mold doesn't live".

During Council work participants of action asked to the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area many questions concerning further development of small and average business on Yamal. Also discussion of basic provisions of strategy of support of development of MSP took place from region public authorities. After end of plenary part participants of Council passed to work in debatable clubs. Subjects of round tables: "Allies of business. How the infrastructure of support of business on Yamal will develop? "; "What forms of financial support are interesting to business? "; Whether "Property support is necessary to business of Yamal? "; "Business in masses! How to make occupation by business popular? ". In the program of actions – thematic trainings with participation of the invited experts.

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