Inhabitants of Yamal in February will receive payment orders with new charges

Since January 1, 2013 new standards of consumption of utilities in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area came into force. With new charges inhabitants will receive payment orders in February
Let's remind that the standard — is a quantitative index of volume of consumption of the municipal resource, applied to calculation of the size of a payment for utility in the absence of metering devices. Standards are established:
— concerning the utilities provided in premises, and also the utilities provided for all-house needs;
— concerning the utilities provided at use of the land plot and outdoor constructions (by the way such type of the standard in Russia is introduced for the first time),
— in relation to utilities on cold water supply, power supply and heating.
Period of validity of standards of consumption of utilities makes not less than 3 years, during this period standards of consumption of utilities aren't subject to revision, except for separate cases, for example, change of extent of improvement, design or technical data of the house.
At application of standards of consumption of the utilities provided to consumers for all-house needs, the areas of the rooms not being parts of premises and intended for service more than one room in an apartment house and a hostel, including the area of interroom landings, ladders, elevators, corridors and other rooms in this apartment house and a hostel not belonging to certain owners and intended for satisfaction of social requirements (except for squares of technical floors, attics, cellars, lift and other mines, the land plots on which apartment houses and hostels, with gardening and improvement elements are located) are considered.
Standards of consumption of utilities for all-house needs by each type of utilities include standard technological losses of municipal resources and don't include the expenses of the municipal resources which have resulted violation of requirements of technical operation of intra house engineering systems, instructions for use premises and the maintenance of the general property in an apartment house.
Standard technological losses — it is technically inevitable and reasonable losses of municipal resources in intra house engineering systems of an apartment house.
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