The Yamal doctors continue to impart the population against flu

On Yamal population immunization against flu proceeds. According to health care department, doctors already imparted 32 thousand yamalets, from them about 20 thousand children.
According to the plan, 120990 inhabitants of the district are subject to obligatory vaccination. First of all it is educators, medicine, consumer services, people are more senior than sixty years, and also students, school students and children till three years.
Experts note that in the current year within the National calendar of preventive inoculations nearly 125 thousand doses of an influenzal vaccine are bought.
the First party of a preparation arrived to Yamal still on September 23 - "Grippol plus", intended for children. In a week in full delivered "Grippol" - a vaccine for adults.
Today district municipalities on the average received 95,5% from the declared quantity of doses. The last party of a vaccine for Tarko-Sal and Novy Urengoy is in a pharmaceutical warehouse of Salekhard district clinical hospital.
Most actively inoculative campaign goes in the Cisural area where vaccination there passed 77% of the population, in the Purovsky area – there against flu 49% are imparted. Doctors of the Krasnoselkupsky area vaccinated 46% of inhabitants, 45% of citizens came to Labytnangi to an inoculation already.
The example of inhabitants of Noyabrsk was set by the chief physician of the central city hospital Igor Zhukov. It among the first inoculated against flu. "It is safely to take root for health and, moreover, it is necessary", - the chief physician speaks.
The colleague was supported by the director of the department of health care of Yamal Nikolay Vinokurov: "We recommend to all to take care of the health and to inoculate. Those who passed vaccination, have respiratory diseases easier, they have less risk of emergence of complications", - the head of department notes.
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