Nyagan' don't want to put "health pricks"
Vaccinating campaign against a flu is finished in Nyagan. In total "health pricks" have put more than 4 thousand schoolboys and nearby 1, 5 thousand pupils of preschool centers.
According to physicians, unfortunately, number wishing to secure itself and to put an inoculation from this infectious disease year from a year decreases. Doctors consider as the reason of it is erroneous opinion that the inoculation can harm and is negative affect a state of health.
«This error. By experience of last years it is possible to tell with confidence that vaccines which we impart have proved only from a positive side. Both vaccines of a domestic production, are well transferred, don't cause collateral reactions, are especially shown children with the chronic diseases, often ill sharp respiratory infections", — doctor-pediatrist Veronica Babushkina is assured.
Let's remind, protective effect after vaccination, as a rule, comes in 8–12 days and remains till 12 months. Physicians consider that vaccination promotes creation of a so-called immune layer among the population which interferes with flu epidemic distribution.
According to physicians, unfortunately, number wishing to secure itself and to put an inoculation from this infectious disease year from a year decreases. Doctors consider as the reason of it is erroneous opinion that the inoculation can harm and is negative affect a state of health.
«This error. By experience of last years it is possible to tell with confidence that vaccines which we impart have proved only from a positive side. Both vaccines of a domestic production, are well transferred, don't cause collateral reactions, are especially shown children with the chronic diseases, often ill sharp respiratory infections", — doctor-pediatrist Veronica Babushkina is assured.
Let's remind, protective effect after vaccination, as a rule, comes in 8–12 days and remains till 12 months. Physicians consider that vaccination promotes creation of a so-called immune layer among the population which interferes with flu epidemic distribution.
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