In Labytnangah vaccination from a flu has begun

Interdepartmental sanitary-protivoepidemicheskoj the commission at the City administration discusses the plan of measures under the distribution prevention a flu virus. We will remind that the flu virus, And (H1N1) is the new virus of a flu causing disease of people. It grows out of a combination of virus genes and contains genes of a virus of an avian flu, pigs and the person. At the majority of people immunity to the given virus insufficient or absolutely is absent. This year registration of cases of diseases by a flu continues to be registered worldwide. Illness has torn off lives of an order of 16,5 thousand persons. Doctors insist: «At the very first symptoms of disease it is necessary to address in polyclinic, to call in first aid branch». Frequently people self-medicate, using thus with whose it is necessary councils or the old casually remained recipes.

By the commission it is noticed that during the forthcoming osenne-winter period even more active circulation of a virus of flu A (H1N1) is predicted. Vaccines still are the effective remedies of decrease in disease and death rate in a flu pandemic. The World Health Organization confirms structure vaccines for 2010-2011 in which the component of a virus of a flu, And (Н1N1) is included.

Vaccination in a city has begun. The spring of this year makes inoculations to 2 thousand to schoolboys. Not so long ago the hospital has received 3280 doses of an antiviral vaccine for adult population immunization. The hospital management in addition gets a vaccine for the medical personnel.

Medical workers are ready to disease lifting. Pediatric and therapeutic services save up a treatment certain experience. On control Interdepartmental sanitary-protivoepidemicheskoj the commissions a stock of antiviral preparations and disinfectant substances both in hospital, and in municipal enterprise "Pharmacy".

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