Schools of Salekhard have closed on quarantine

Schools of Salekhard have closed on quarantine
Off-schedule vacation has begun at schoolboys of Salekhard. In connection with growth of disease ORVI and a flu, all educational institutions of a city are closed on quarantine.

All preventive actions in city educational institutions are spent in a regular mode. Their full list has been confirmed by the special commission at emergency response center session under the distribution prevention a flu virus.

On February, 7th, on the basis of the analysis of the data arriving from system of public health services and educational institutions, the commission the decision on the further measures under the prevention of distribution of disease a flu and ORVI in Salekhard will be accepted.

Let's note, for the past week the disease threshold in district capital has grown on 93, 1 %. The Most part of the diseased — children. Infection cases by a virus of flu А/N1H1/09 it is not registered, — the press-service of administration of Salekhard informs.

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