Dmitry Kobylkin and heads of municipalities honored memory of defenders of the Fatherland
The day before Governor Dmitry Kobylkin together with heads of municipalities of Yamal, being with a working trip in Salekhard, visited the memorial complex "Victory park". They examined a course of completion of reconstruction of a complex and honored memory of the soldiers who were lost in different years, protecting the Fatherland.
Soon the memorial complex considerably will change. In a chapel repair will come to the end, there will be icons. There is a monument installation – the bronze soldier. On plates at the Eternal flame names of heroes of Yamal will be cut. At the beginning of September the Governor declared national verification of lists of the yamalets who have left on the front. Veterans, participants of fights, heroes of the Great Patriotic War who left on the front with have to enter into it
Yamal, and also veterans who in post-war years worked on Far North.
"The Great Patriotic War closely intertwined with destinies of all Russian citizens. To protect and revere memory of our fathers, grandfathers and the great-grandfathers defending the peace from fascism – our sacred duty. Only this way we can be sure that memory of the Great Victory will be preserved also by our children" , – Governor Dmitry Kobylkin noted.
According to heads of municipalities, during visit of a memorial complex they were once again convinced of what attention gives the district to questions of preservation of memory of a feat of yamalets. Similar objects of a cultural heritage, certainly, have to be in each city that citizens had an opportunity to honor memory of heroes, and their example formed a basis for education of young generation.
In the same day to heads showed "Yamalkan's" tourist village, as an example of development of ecological and extreme tourism on Yamal with attraction of private investments. The object is located on the river bank Ob. Here guest lodges are already constructed, the building of a restaurant and leisure zone where halls of bar, a karaoke hall and the fan zone about possibility of a TV broadcast of sports competitions are located is erected.
It is supposed that in March the 2014th this village becomes the basis for participants of the international marathon of "Yamalkan", in summer and autumn time the Russian and foreign tourists here can have a rest.
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