In Tarko-Sal the man tried to hang up the concubine

In Tarko-Sal the man tried to hang up the concubine
Law enforcement agencies of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area within a month didn't want to open criminal case on the man who beat the civil wife and forced it to be hung up three times. The police saw in it household quarrel. The prosecutor's office insisted on investigation.

On May 14, 2013 one of inhabitants Tarko-Sal of the Purovsky area within several hours cruelly beat the civil spouse. Besides, having providently prepared a loop, the man forced the concubine to get on a stool, to cover with a rope a neck and to make suicide attempts.

The woman managed to survive and report about mockeries in police. But law enforcement officers didn't see in actions of the man of structure of a crime under the article "torture". Criminal case brought only a month later, after prosecutor's office intervention. To the man threatens till three years of imprisonment.

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