In Salekhard will erect the Temple complex in honor of Lord's Transformation

In Salekhard will erect the Temple complex in honor of Lord's Transformation
In Salekhard it is planned to construct the Temple complex in honor of Lord's Transformation. Competition on implementation of working documentation and building of object worth 4,818 billion rubles carries out noncommercial the organizations "Cooperation of Yamal Fund.

The temple complex in honor of Lord's Transformation is planned to place about Shaytank River Embankment. All works on construction have to be performed till April 1, 2015.

The complex will consist of the temple, a temple farmstead, the economic block and a gymnasium on 275 pupils. Also the complex will be equipped with video surveillance and broadcasting systems.

In the competitive documentation published on a site of fund, it is said that construction will be financed from off-budget sources. Within a week results of open competition will be defined.

Meanwhile, in JSC SGK-severtransstroy message (the former Yamal joint stock company on building of transport objects "Yamaltransstroy") is said that shareholders at extraordinary meeting made on January 12 the decision to approve the estimated contract for implementation of working documentation and to construction of a temple complex.

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