Ex-mayor Tazovsokgo stole 16 apartments

Ex-mayor Tazovsokgo stole 16 apartments
By Tazovsky interdistrict investigative department of investigative management of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area investigation of criminal case concerning the former head of administration of the settlement Tazovsky Tazovsky district is complete. He is accused of commission of crime (on 16 episodes), the provided h. 2 Art. 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (commission by the head of local government of the actions which obviously going beyond it powers and have entailed essential violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, interests of society protected by the law and the states).

Accused during the period from 2007 to 2010, exceeding the powers of office, I provided separate to inhabitants of the settlement of the apartment under the contract of social hiring in an extraordinary order, authentically knowing that these citizens don't need improvement of living conditions and have no right to housing in the specified way. In the subsequent these apartments left municipality property Tazovsky district at the conclusion with citizens of contracts of transfer (privatization) of premises in a private property. As a result of actions of the former head the rights of inhabitants of the settlement Tazovsky, consisting on the account are significantly violated at an item Municipality Administration Tazovsky as living conditions needing improvement which had the right to improvement of living conditions by receiving housing under the contract of social hiring in the order established by the law.

The consequence collected enough proofs in this connection criminal case with the approved indictment is directed to court for consideration in essence.

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