In Labytnangakh will protect water objects

In Labytnangakh will protect water objects
In the territory of the city of Labytnangi 53 water objects (the rivers, channels, streams and lakes) are. Soon all water objects will be equipped with special water security signs. In total such signs it is planned to establish 65. For the Ob Rivers, Hanmey, Big Hanmey, Small Hanmey, Vyl-Posl Canal the width of a water security zone — 200 m is established; for Vyndyad's rivers, Knyaz Yol, channels Vyrchik and a stream of Ydzhid-Iol width of a water security zone — 100 m; for other water objects — 50 meters.

"Delimitation of water security zones and coastal protective strips of water objects is carried out for establishment of a special mode economic, and also maintenance of water objects in a condition corresponding to ecological requirements, for prevention of pollution and exhaustion of a surface water, preservation of habitat of objects of an animal and flora" — the manager of sector of environmental protection of management of housing and communal services Igor Skazka speaks.

Igor Viktorovich emphasizes that in borders of water security zones the specific mode of use of the lands, connected with certain restrictions of activity is entered. So in the established zones ejection of a waste, movement and transport parking out of roads with a firm covering, motor transport sink, washing, use and application of chemical, toxic and other substances dangerous to environment isn't allowed.

"The water code regulates a number of restrictions on lands of a special purpose. With reference to our regional conditions the legal regime of water security zones and coastal protective strips is urged not to allow placements of places of burial of production wastes and consumption, placement of dumps of washed-away soil, movements and transport parking on roads and in the places which do not have a firm covering" — Igor Viktorovich makes comments.

Violation of a special mode of implementation of economic and other activity of a water security zone attracts imposing of administrative of a penalty on citizens at a rate of from three thousand to five hundred four thousand rubles ; on officials — from eight thousand to twelve thousand rubles; on legal entities — from two hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles .

"Now the territory along our rivers and near lakes looks, to put it mildly, unattractively. Even a number of the community work days conducted on the river Hanmey, didn't solve a cluttering problem. After establishment of the special signs defining a voodookhranny zone, we will have all available levers of impact on irresponsible citizens and irresponsible managing subjects" — Igor Skazka makes comments.

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