Sunken wrecks will lift from a bottom of the Yamal rivers

Channels of the Yamal rivers will be cleared of the sunk and thrown courts. Such decision is accepted at meeting of department of transport and a road economy of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and district department of prirodno-resource regulation, wood relations and developments of an oil and gas complex. Carrying out of the given actions will allow to improve an ecological condition of reservoirs.
According to the press-service of the head of the region, the thrown vessels and metal designs are concentrated basically in water areas near to cities and settlements, within industrial zones and places of basing of a sailing charter. According to FGU "Ob-Irtyshvodput" about 124 objects of navigation of various displacement recycling demand.
Attempts to spend clearing from a breakage were undertaken and earlier, but these actions was insufficiently. Work it decided to deduce on new level.
The government of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region considers the reference from FGU "Ob-Irtyshvodput" about possibility during the navigating period to perform works on lifting and property in abeyance removal.
At meeting which has taken place on April, 4th, the decision on expansion of the developed target program of department of prirodno-resource regulation, wood relations and development of an oil and gas complex of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region «Use and protection of water objects» was accepted. In particular, in the plan of nature protection actions it is planned to include works on clearing of water objects and lifting of the district rivers which have sunk in channels of courts and designs. Offers of district department of transport and a road economy and municipal unions will be considered thus.
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