In Labytnangakh will clear yards of left cars

In Labytnangakh will clear yards of left cars
Statistically, on everyone, from babies to the old men, the second resident Labytnangi it is necessary on the car, and every year the number of the registered vehicles grows. From them many cars for years decay in city yards, spoiling external shape of the city, disturbing journey of municipal equipment, and also taking a potential place of a parking of the serviceable car.

Separate chapter of the matter are lorries, including dlinnomer who also stand directly in yards.

Owners of such cars, involve in administrative responsibility, but more correct alternative to a transport disorder, there can be parkings which should be organized in territories of the enterprises of the city.

It is supposed that parking should be equipped with video surveillance chambers, round-the-clock protection as owners of such parkings should bear a liability for safety entrusted to them, valuable property.

Today in Labytnangakh the parking already works at the territory of the motor transportation enterprise which many owners of automobile and cargo cars, especially during the summer period of holidays use.

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