Salekhardtsa meet spring

Salekhardtsa meet spring
«Vorony day» - under such name there will pass celebrations of a meeting of spring, on April 7 in the Obdorsky jail.

Speeches of soloists and collectives of the capital of the district are planned for this day, competitions, and as extensive game programs. Jumps through sledge, any inhabitant can participate in these and other types of national sports Salekhard and the guest of the capital. Traditionally, celebration to come to the end with a ribbon podvyazyvaniye on a tree of desires

For indigenous people of Yamal celebration «vorony day», part of national culture, dawn of new year. The crow, is the messenger of the spring, the first, from the migratory birds, informing on heat arrival. About a crow fairy tales were composed, there were legends.

On mythology of many people of the world figure 7 is sacred number for this reason Voronyego's celebration of day, annually passes on April 7.

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