Nadym - territory WITHOUT danger

Nadym - territory WITHOUT danger
In Nadym has passed action within the limits of realization 4 stages of the project of I.Nekrasovoj «Nadym - territory WITHOUT danger» - «Safety – reboot …».

Once again experts of propagation have come on a visit to people of advanced age – to wards of a social institution «Kind Light». These meetings became for a long time already kind tradition, and since last year propagandists have decided to go to pensioners «not empty-handed», after all conversation behind a tea cup always had to understanding of interlocutors …

Nadym - territory WITHOUT danger

This time conversation went how to extinguish fire, if electroconducting or the electrodevice lights up how thus to stop giving of power supplies and what to do after. Have talked about a fire on kitchen and what to do, if the flame has captured the person. Have remembered how correctly to render the first pre-medical help.

Here so it is unostentatious, behind a tea cup, Nadym pensioners comprehended elements of rules of safe behavior in CHS.

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