In Day of Russia peoples will carry out the mercy action
On June, 12th, 2010 in territory of Nadym area some tens the cultural-mass and sports actions devoted to Day of Russia will take place.
As informs "Uralinformbjuro", Nadym becomes the main platform of forthcoming celebrations. Within the limits of the action «Heart of Russia» young will distribute come for a holiday the hearts moulded from the salty test. And participants of the action of "Trikolor" will suggest passers-by to draw the Russian flag on cheeks. Also in Nadym competitions on an armwrestling, minifootball and national kinds of sports will take place.
In settlement Lakeside except traditional literary-musical actions will pass celebration of graduates-2010 and a celebratory concert «Destiny of Russia to us it is given», and in settlement Jagelnyj the award "Recognition" will be handed over the deserved inhabitants.
Besides it, within the limits of celebrating of Day of Russia on June, 14th management of social programs of Nadym area together with the Center of social service of citizens of advanced age and invalids «Kind light» will carry out the action "Mercy". Not indifferent can transfer requiring clothes, footwear and household goods.
As informs "Uralinformbjuro", Nadym becomes the main platform of forthcoming celebrations. Within the limits of the action «Heart of Russia» young will distribute come for a holiday the hearts moulded from the salty test. And participants of the action of "Trikolor" will suggest passers-by to draw the Russian flag on cheeks. Also in Nadym competitions on an armwrestling, minifootball and national kinds of sports will take place.
In settlement Lakeside except traditional literary-musical actions will pass celebration of graduates-2010 and a celebratory concert «Destiny of Russia to us it is given», and in settlement Jagelnyj the award "Recognition" will be handed over the deserved inhabitants.
Besides it, within the limits of celebrating of Day of Russia on June, 14th management of social programs of Nadym area together with the Center of social service of citizens of advanced age and invalids «Kind light» will carry out the action "Mercy". Not indifferent can transfer requiring clothes, footwear and household goods.
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