In Nadym treat in a new fashion

The new scheme of relations "doctor-patient" is embodied in a reality by experts of the Nadym centre of health. They leave on the enterprises and in the organisation of a city and suggest people to pass medical examination directly in office or educational institution.

As the press-service of administration of Nadym informs, inspection is spent with use of the modern equipment received within the limits of the priority national project "Health" (similar all Russian centres of health are completed): it is a computer lung-tester for an estimation of function of breath, a gas analyzer-smokelajzer for smokers, пульсоксиметр for definition of saturability of blood by oxygen and other devices.

"For today our experts not only have examined more than 300, — Sergey Tokarev, the head of the Nadym centre of health, the doctor of medical sciences speaks, — but also for each of them have made personal recommendations about improvement, and also a necessary didactic material. The Instructor-methodologist in physiotherapy exercises conducts necessary lessons. Persons it is necessary for them to take place profound clinical inspection and treatment, have received directions in the Central regional hospital".

The new scheme of work allows to reveal diseases and their risk factors at an early stage, to prevent their development, and also serves kind service in formation of the valuable relation of citizens to own health.

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