In Labytnangah there was the first Rockscar

In Labytnangah there was the first Rockscar
The first in a city Rockscar has appeared in labytnangskogo management on work and population social protection. Rockscar — is the device allowing the invalid-koljasochniku to walk upstairs. Possibilities of the given equipment are shown on a porch of a town house of culture. On original presentation Rockscar there were all heads of social sphere to analyse, how much given device can solve availability problems in their establishments of invalids-koljasochnikov.

«For the person who moves on a carriage, each step is an obstacle, — the assistant to the head of administration Marina Treskova marks, — our purpose — to create for these people such conditions that they could enter free into any establishment of social sphere, whether it be polyclinic or school, sports hall or the entrance» . Marina Aronovna underlines that last year adaptation of one entrance for the invalid-koljasochnika which was accompanied by an array of problems has been spent. «Decay of our houses, height of steps on ladder marches in wooden houses, frequently, a formalistic approach of contract organizations and misunderstanding of neighbors of the invalid-koljasochnika, — all doesn't give possibility effectively to use it budget money for maintenance environments, — Marina Aronovna marks, — we intentionally Rockscar have got the first for management soczashity, on their experience we will thoroughly study possibilities of the given device and we will draw conclusions on expediency of acquisition of this equipment for peoples» .

Clear advantage Rockscar experts named simplicity in use, a practicality and ease. The head of department on work and social protection of the population Olga Sleptsova has noticed that cost of the given device without small 200 thousand roubles, the equipment is mobile established and can be used on any entrance zone of establishments, and also in houses where live peoples. Olga Leonidovna underlines that during the current year for social support of invalids is allocated an order of 7,5 million roubles, from them more than three millions will be directed on adaptation spaces that will allow to convert 14 apartments under needs citizens.

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