To change shape of Labytnanog to the best

To change shape of Labytnanog to the best
Nine objects of building have been taken out on town-planning council consideration. Unfortunately, the majority of them de facto already are in a building or reconstruction stage, de jure neither permissions, nor necessary documents it is not issued. Members intend to stop such vicious practice. To one of businessmen it is refused the work permission on reconstruction of trading pavilion on street Podgornaja. Moreover, the decision to result the given object in an initial condition at the expense of own means is passed. This decision is accepted majority of votes of members of town-planning council. On other objects Council, taking out remarks and recommendations, it was unanimous, despite as councilors were expressed, «yesterday in architectural shape and absence of any highlights and exclusive decisions». So, on street Motorway it is recommended to restaurant to expand parking place, to provide access of people with the limited possibilities. By the way, last remark concerned all considered objects. From other recommendations — illumination, accomplishment elements, presence of advertizing signboards. Besides, the businessmen, planning to develop the business in unpromising areas, will be officially notified on switching-off in visible prospect of their objects from the central heat supply. During session, besides named above objects, trading pavilion "Булис", cafe on street River, ofisno-industrial building ПЭС on May Day, the covered market on crossing of streets May Day and Student's, the Car wash on street the Green hill are considered.

Two objects from among considered at session, are taken out on Gradsovet repeatedly. It is the shop of autospare parts combined with a workshop of mounting on street Club and shashlik house on Dzerzhinsky. Owners of the given objects have already worked over the projects taking into account the remarks which have been given out at last session of Town-planning council. It is necessary to tell that remarks have found the response, the front material somewhere is changed, the color scale, decorative illumination and etc. Though as secretary Gradsoveta admits somewhere is more carefully worked, more often businessmen negatively react to any remarks to their objects, the press-service of a city administration of Labytnangi informs

Let's remind, in structure in Town-planning council structure, besides the head of administration and its assistants, deputies, heads of supervising departments, State traffic inspectorates, town-planning have entered. The council main objective - jointly to change shape of a city to the best.

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