Off-road autoexpedition «the Greatest riddles of the nature: the Eastern Siberia»

Off-road autoexpedition «the Greatest riddles of the nature: the Eastern Siberia»
In plans of participants: visiting of a unique nature sanctuary – Lensky columns, lake Baikal, lake Labynkyr (Yakutia), Jack Londona's lake and «flying harius» in upper courses of Kolyma. A key point of autoexpedition - reserve visiting on peninsula Horses in the Magadan area which is planned for the purpose of acquaintance with unique natural object, photographing and its popularisation.

As a part of expedition take part: Sofia Derenok (Surgut the Russian Federation) - has visited on Baikal, Altai, Crimea has passed all Kazakhstan, the prize-winner Altai 2008; Lydia Melikhov (Taraz, КЗ) – the navigator, the participant of expedition to Mangyshlak; Sergey Rusanov (Taraz, КЗ) – 16 years at the wheel on a line Kolyma, the excellent pilot, the mechanic. The prize-winner Altai 2008. The participant of expedition on peninsula Mangyshlak; Evgenie Shahov (Russian Federation) – the participant of autoexpeditions on coast of gulf of Ob in 2010, on the Tomsk region.
The head of autoexpedition Natalia Derenok - the numerous participant and the organizer of autoexpeditions on off-road cars, the head of expedition on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region in 2011 "501-503".

• Lensky Columns are a unique nature sanctuary of the geological past of the Earth. Fantastic, rare stone sculptures in height to 200 m are stretched along Lena throughout almost 40 km. They remind columns, colonnades, towers, arches cathedrals, minarets, amphitheatres and figures of any live beings. Some of them are similar to a huge figure of the person who has fallen asleep in a thoughtful pose, and Kigi »-« the person a stone »are known among local residents under the name«.

• Lake Labynkyr - a legendary reservoir in Ojmjakonsky area in the east of Yakutia (Russia), where, according to numerous supervision including made and from the helicopter, the huge animal, probably relic origin lives. The lake is at height of 1020 m above sea level, is extended from the north on the south on 14 km, width of a reservoir almost everywhere
It is identical - 4 km, depth - to 60 m. follow From lake the river Labynkyr with the same name (inflow of Tuora-Jurjah and Indigirka).

• Jack Londona's Lake - the most romantic place in upper courses of Kolyma. It lies in the middle of the most beautiful highland, framed saws of a severe ridge.

• Peninsula Horses – a site of the Magadan reserve. The coast abounds with picturesque bays, rocky capes. Unapproachable seaside rocks are disclosed by not stopping hubbub of the bird's markets. On coast rocks settle down 48 mixed and monospecific colonies basically and Pacific seagulls. cormorants, in the same place nest. On grassy slopes of southern coast there are 3 big settlements of top orks. On peninsula Horses – the biggest congestion of a brown bear in the Magadan area. Also the fox and an ermine are numerous. On mountain sites of coast of peninsula the snow ram lives. In 1999 scientist-isssledovatel Alexander Orehov at coast Horses of 6 ancient settlements who are preliminary carried to stages cultures. (The state natural reserve "Magadan").

The chairman of regional branch
The All-Russia public organisation
"Russian geographical society"
In Yamal-Nenets autonomous region

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