Arthur Tchilingarov has visited Yamal

Arthur Tchilingarov has visited Yamal
The known researcher of Arctic regions and Antarctic the Hero of Soviet Union and Russia Arthur Tchilingarov is with working visit on Yamal. He holds meetings with politicians, representatives of public organisations and youth.

Arthur Tchilingarov Jamal knows personally and very long time ago. It was the participant of the well-known immersing on a bottom of Arctic ocean. 4 kilometres of 300 metres under ice. On such depth Arthur Tchilingarov has fallen to establish at the bottom a titanic Russian flag. The purpose was patriotic – to remind the world, whose this bottom. The Russian expedition was compared to disembarkation of the person to the Moon later.

Now the polar explorer is excited with prospects of development of Arctic regions. Russia grows now not only Siberia, but also a shelf, therefore Tchilingarov has told about projects which will allow to strengthen economic positions of the state in this part of globe. Ahead – working out of the Russian legislation on a continental shelf, northern sea way and support of the Arctic expeditions.

Next year Tchilingarov gathers in one more dangerous travel – to the same Arctic regions, but now on a dirigible balloon. Is at it and other curious project – deliveries of icebergs in regions where there is no fresh water. It actively supports idea of special state structure which would deal with exclusively northern problems.

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