The authorities of Salekhard were puzzled with a garbage problem

The question of clearing of Salekhard from garbage continues to remain actual.
On May, 28th in district capital has taken place city, as a result from all corners of a city have taken out over hundred trucks of large-sized garbage. According to old residents, the action of such scales has passed in district capital for the first time. That it is more insulting to participants of general cleaning that in a week from the lustre induced by them doesn't remain also a trace.
Good weather promoted productive leisure on the nature and in city boundaries. Desires to clean behind themselves separate having a rest haven't shown garbage, therefore bottles and polyethylene packages have again appeared on lawns and sidewalks. The ecological commission at the mayoralty of Salekhard was puzzled with search of new ways of prompting and order maintenance.
First of all, it decided to divide responsibility zones, having assigned to establishments and the city organizations certain territories, to appoint responsible for control over their maintenance from administration. The controler urged to remind of necessity of cleaning a minimum once a week and to watch how the order is introduced. It is recommended to trading organizations to watch cleanliness of adjoining sites daily.
It is more difficult to cope with proprietors of the individual houses littering a private sector. To conclude the contract with moving men of garbage the majority of them don't hasten, as some have a possibility to use containers of neighbors, and they, as a rule, are nearby.
For the sake of justice we will notice, irresponsible proprietors remains less, but they spoil all picture. In this connection the decision to spend the whole complex of actions for city cleaning is accepted. Including, to leave on Legislative Assembly of Yamal with the initiative about increase in the size of administrative penalties for infringement corrected accomplishments, — the press-service of administration of Salekhard informs.
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