The quay of Salekhard becomes Neyelov's quay

The quay of Salekhard becomes Neyelov's quay
The quay of Salekhard will bear now Yury Neyelov's name. The decision about renaming to the ex-governor of Yamal have handed over the day before.

According to the head of administration of district capital Yury Linka, the initiative of assignment of territory on left to river bank of a name of the former governor of district proceeded first of all from inhabitants of Salekhard, its old residents.

«Considering changes in shape of quay, an arrangement in city center and that fact that the quay has all bases to become the most visited place in Salekhard, townspeople have expressed unanimous confidence that she is worthy to bear a name of the person to which both a city, and its inhabitants are obliged by much» — head ascertained.

Accepting the document, Yury Neyelov has confirmed, as will work further for the blessing ямальцев, already in the status of the senator, — the press-service of administration of Salekhard informs.

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