On Yamal there are first hundred points on Unified State Examination.

Employees of department of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region inform that on June, 3rd the commission on Rosobrnadzora has defined the minimum quantity of points of the Unified State Examination, testifying to development of a school course in 2011: in biology – 36 points, under the literature – 32 points and on computer science and IKT – 40 points.
On June, 4th the State examination board confirms results of participants of Unified State Examination in territory of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. Haven't overcome the minimum threshold: on computer science and IKT – 6 % of participants, on biology – 10 %, on the literature – 6 %.
There are also first hundred points by results of Unified State Examination. Marina Ivaschenko, the graduate of Hanymejsky average comprehensive school №1 Purovsky areas has typed 100 points under the literature.
Let's remind, on May, 27th, 543 persons have taken part in Unified State Examination in biology, under the literature – 191, on computer science and ИКТ – 340 persons.
If the participant hasn't overcome the minimum threshold in subjects for choice, it doesn't influence certificate reception. Positive results of Unified State Examination in these subjects can be necessary for those who wishes to continue training, including in higher educational institutions. To repeat Unified State Examination in this subject it is possible only next year.
Data on region will be corrected after processing of works of the participants who are passing the Unified State Examination in reserve days (on June, 16th – computer science and ИКТ, biology, on June, 17th – the literature).
Informing of participants on personal results is spent in places of giving of statements on Unified State Examination.
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