Young peoples have handed over the first examination

Young peoples have handed over the first examination
Nadym graduates have the day before handed over the first uniform graduation examination — on computer science and information-communication technologies, biology and the literature.

As the press-service of administration of Nadym, in federal base of graduates which have declared participation in uniform graduation examination informs, is brought 5648 yamalpeoples. Among them about eight-ten percent — graduates of the eleventh classes, three percent — graduates of establishments of the initial vocational training, three and a half percent — graduates of last years and ten percent — graduates of establishments of average vocational training.

Obligatory examinations in Russian and mathematics peoples will hand over on thirty first of May and on seventh of June. The graduates, not overcome the minimum threshold, to a repeated passing examinations will be supposed only under the decision of the main examination board.

Let's note, among examinations in a choice stories and to social science are in the lead EGE on the physicist, them yamalpeoples will hand over the eleventh and on fifteenth of June.

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