On Yamal there was an institute of cadastral engineers.
C on January, 1st, 2011 in Russia the institute of cadastral engineers – the persons who are carrying out cadastral activity will start to work. Accordingly all cadastral works on territorial land management concerning buildings, constructions, premises and objects of incomplete building since 2011 can carry out only having the qualifying certificate of the cadastral engineer.
According to the Federal law «About the state cadastre of real estate» for formation of institute of cadastral engineers in district territory this year the structure of the qualifying commission for carrying out of certification of cadastral engineers from representatives of department of property relations of autonomous region, Upravlenija Rosreestra on YANAO and ФГУ «Ground cadastral chamber» on YANAO has been confirmed. The Operating procedure of the commission and carrying out of examinations is confirmed at federal level. The given order rigidly fixes terms on consideration of statements of applicants, on carrying out of sessions of the commission about the admission of applicants to passing an examination, carrying out of examinations, and also consideration of the appeal of applicants in case of their disagreement with results of delivery of a promotion examination.
On December, 8th the assistant to the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, the director of department of property relations YANAO Lyudmila Dormidontova and members of the qualifying commission have solemnly handed over first eight qualifying certificates of cadastral engineers passed certification on conformity to shown qualifying requirements.
According to the Federal law «About the state cadastre of real estate» for formation of institute of cadastral engineers in district territory this year the structure of the qualifying commission for carrying out of certification of cadastral engineers from representatives of department of property relations of autonomous region, Upravlenija Rosreestra on YANAO and ФГУ «Ground cadastral chamber» on YANAO has been confirmed. The Operating procedure of the commission and carrying out of examinations is confirmed at federal level. The given order rigidly fixes terms on consideration of statements of applicants, on carrying out of sessions of the commission about the admission of applicants to passing an examination, carrying out of examinations, and also consideration of the appeal of applicants in case of their disagreement with results of delivery of a promotion examination.
On December, 8th the assistant to the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, the director of department of property relations YANAO Lyudmila Dormidontova and members of the qualifying commission have solemnly handed over first eight qualifying certificates of cadastral engineers passed certification on conformity to shown qualifying requirements.
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