The book «History of Yamal» prepares for an exit

The book «History of Yamal» will be the first academic work telling about the Arctic region from an extreme antiquity up to now. Worked over it within six years more than fifty researchers representing various historical schools and the centers of Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Salekhard, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Tobolsk and other cities. Collecting a material for the book, scientific have studied archives of administrative centers which structure once included autonomous region, and also Moscow and St.-Petersburg, have lifted notes of travelers, in different years visiting Yamal, have generalized the data of archaeological expeditions. In the course of work on the edition scientifically-practical conferences have been spent, published over 40 books – monographies and collections of articles.

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Новости за последние сутки
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Губернатор поздравил работников транспорта с профессиональным праздником
Сегодня поздравления принимают тысячи людей, которые занимаются развитием
20 ноября 2024
Вестник заполярья

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