In MVK it. Shemanovsky the presentation of the book "Zimogor" will take place.

Today, on December, 17th, in MVK of I.S.Shemanovsky the presentation of the book "Zimogor" which opens an image Nikolay Ivanovicha Chernyh – the candidate of agricultural sciences, former head of the Yamal agricultural experimental station at whom, according to inhabitants of Salekhard, «… this station was happy will take place!». Nikolay Chernyh – the scientist-innovator who has created a scientific basis of plant growing in a zone of risky agriculture of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and by that denied statement that «Yamal fatally poor edge».

Besides four before the published works of the scientist, the book included its monography having scientific and practical value and presently. And also article of grand daughter – O.S.Novitsky (Дружининой) and a sketch of research assistant МВК of I.S.Shemanovsky of L.F.Lipatovoj, Nikolay Ivanovicha's letters to wife Praskove Semyonovne, written by it in 1954-1955.

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