Canned food from the Yamal venison is recognized by the best product of 2011.

Canned food from the Yamal venison is recognized by the best product of 2011.
Following the results of a food exhibition «ProdEkspo 2011», passed in Moscow in February of current year, canning production from meat of a reindeer has won gold medals in a nomination «Best product-2011». «The Yamal venison stewed» and «the Yamal paste» have been made of State Unitary Enterprise "Ямалгосснаб" on Troitsk canning industrial complex (Chelyabinsk).

Also during an exhibition a number of contracts on delivery of production of reindeer breeding and рыбодобычи, by the made manufacturers of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, in other regions of Russia (in particular, to Moscow and St.-Petersburg), and also to Czechia is concluded.

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