Delivery of the Yamal venison to the countries of Europe is finished

Delivery of the Yamal venison to the countries of Europe is finished
Last Saturday to Germany and Finland the last party Yamal, delivered abroad in a frame of the contract which was concluded at the Berlin exhibition «Green week» was delivered. Current 2012 to the specified countries 420 tons of delicious meat of a deer, 120 tons were delivered to Germany and 300 to Finland.

Here six years the Russian enterprise «Yamal deer» is the unique supplier of meat of a deer. This it became possible only as a result of cooperation of the enterprise, local governments and the government.

Feature of these deliveries consists in double veterinary standardization of delivered meat. Meat should meet the requirements of the veterinary legislation of Russia and Europe. In particular delivered production is exposed to rigid control from veterinary services of the European Union, Germany, Finland.

The commission of the European Union holds periodically exit checks of the enterprise and veterinary service. As notes, the main state veterinary inspector across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, to A.Listishenko - «By official bodies of the European Union countries it was not established any test of meat inappropriate to safety requirements and quality»

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