Building of fitness centers on Yamal proceeds.

Building of fitness centers on Yamal proceeds.
In the end of January in Nadym the first pile of a multipurpose sports complex has been hammered. The assistant to the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Alexey Bulaev has taken part in ceremony. We will notice that building is conducted at the expense of means of district and municipal budgets. The contribution to erection of so significant social object was brought also by the enterprises of a fuel and energy complex of Open Company «Gazprom extraction Nadym» and Open Company «Gazprom transgas of Jugorsk».

The complex will correspond to the modern requirements and standards. On the area more than 6,5 thousand square meters will settle down a hall for board games, an aerobics hall, a gym, a struggle hall, pool on four paths, tribunes for spectators on one thousand places, cafe on 40 places, open parking place and many other things.

In a sports complex all inhabitants of Nadym area can be engaged. Special conditions will create for people with the limited physical possibilities. In particular, the ramp with double hand-rail will be constructed, on tribunes there will be special places for invalids-koljasochnikov. But the main thing – they will have an opportunity to go in for sports.

The building termination is planned for December, 2012.

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