Ry Salekhard-Nadym will build on two sites simultaneously

The railway Salekhard-Nadym will build on two sites simultaneously.

As the press-service of administration of Nadym informs, now there is a mobilisation of all necessary resources — means are concentrated in places of the beginning of building, around the cities of Salekhards and Nadym. Railroad line building within the next few days will begin.

For acceleration of building of a highway for a basis the two-beam scheme is accepted, that is it is offered to contractors to start building at once two sites of a railroad line — from station Salekhard before travel of Poljapta and from the right river bank Nadym before travel the Trochee.

Let's remind, according to the decision of advisory council building is entrusted two organisations which have offered the best conditions of execution of turnkey contracts — Open Society "Yamaltransstroy" and Open Company "Mostostroy-12".

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