On Yamal snow has dropped out — the traffic police asks to observe rules

On Yamal snow has dropped out — the traffic police asks to observe rules
The state traffic inspectorate of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region in connection with plentiful loss of snow and unavailability of cars, drivers and pedestrians to sharp weather changing asks inhabitants of region to observe traffic regulations. On it informs department of propagation of BDD the Department of Internal Affairs on YANAO.

"Drivers of vehicles! Choose speed of movement of the car taking into account distance of a vehicle demanded for a stop, don't forget about a lateral interval and pass the pedestrians who are on parts in a zone of pedestrian crossings, and in advance take care of acquisition of winter rubber", — it is told in the press-service message.

"Pedestrians! Pass a carriageway only on pedestrian crossings and only to a green signal of a traffic light. Passengers! Don't forget to clasp a seat belt. By transportation children in cars use children's keeping devices. Parents! For safety of your child constantly supervise its site, don't suppose games of children close a part", — it is marked in the document.

Observance of these rules will help to keep life and health not only, but also other participants of traffic.

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