Yamal дорожники have caused to the district budget a mullions-strong damage

Four road-building companies JANAO are recognised by participants of price arrangement at placing on the maintenance of highways and a paromno-ice crossing on the river Ob. Among them – Open Company «Northern highways» (Nadym), State Unitary Enterprise "Yamalavtodor" (Salekhard), MT «the Yamal transport agency» (with. Jar-fat), Open Company "Nadymdorstroy" (Nadym), writes "Uralinformbjuro".

As have informed in the press-service of regional government FAS, all companies have submitted application forms for participation in auction on carrying out of a roadwork in which role of the customer the Management of transport and road economy JANAO has acted. Auction has been appointed to December, 17th, 2009.

As has shown antimonopoly investigation, initially application forms for participation in competition has submitted большее number of the companies, but at the moment of their registration became much less. The further process of participation in auction has been built in so-called «a chess order» when the companies which have submitted the demands, refused struggle for one prize and entered struggle for the following. It also has allowed UFAS to draw a conclusion on a coordination of actions of participants of auction.

As a result because of the limited number of applicants the auctions have been recognised by not taken place, and state contracts have been concluded for the ceiling prices offered by the customer. After the company, won competition, contracts with firms which were not on auction have concluded.

If auction has taken place, the minimum depreciation of contracts (at a step of auction of 0,5 % of the price of the contract) would make over 3 million roubles. Only State Unitary Enterprise "Yamalavtodor" actions have caused a damage to the budget of district over 1,7 million roubles.

The enterprises-infringers are threatened with large penalties. Also the question on transfer of materials of investigation in law enforcement bodies for criminal case excitation is solved.

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