The airports of Salekhard and New Urengoja will carry over YANAO

Open Society property «New Urengojsky incorporated aviagroup» and Open Society «Salekhard airport» is excluded from the look-ahead plan of privatisation of state property of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region for 2010-2012 in connection with transfer of stock of these joint-stock companies from the federal property in regional.

The deputy director of the airport of Salekhard Vladimir Klementyev has informed that does not wait for special changes for the airport after the proprietor, as «administration JANAO and so allocates grants» will be replaced.

As he said, from the middle of 1990th years ЯНАО has enclosed in the airport more than 1,5 mlrd roubles, therefore enterprise actions on auction were not exposed.

In 2009 on auction 100 % of actions "New Urengojsky aviagroup", by cost 1,260 млрд roubles were exposed, however the buyer was not.

Open Society «New Urengojsky incorporated aviagroup» (New Urengoj, Jamalo - Nenets autonomous region) is aviation enterprise which structure includes the airport of the second class. In the property of New Urengojsky aviagroup there are 19 helicopters Mi-8T. The company performs transportno-coherent works, providing delivery of cargoes and people in remote areas. Also the company carries out monitoring of gazo oil pipelines from air, New Urengoj is engaged in poiskovo rescue maintenance of flights around responsibility of the airport. The state in the name of Federal agency on management of state property owns 100 % of actions of airport "Salekhard".

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