The airport of New Urengoja opens new flights

The airport of New Urengoja opens new flightsThe airport of New Urengoja opens new flights. Since March, 29th from New Urengoja it will be possible to depart to Baku by plane TU-154. New flight is opened by airline "Yakutia".

As the chief of a commercial complex of Open Society «New Urengojsky incorporated aviagroup» Sergey Naumenko has told, flight will be carried out with intermediate landing in Krasnodar. Flight from New Urengoja to Baku will manage in fourteen and a half thousand roubles.

In plans New Urengoja the airport to open by a summer season also flights to Novosibirsk and Mineral waters.

«With airline« Ural airlines» negotiations are now carried on for the organisation of passenger transportations through Ekaterinburg, — Sergey Naumenko has informed. — Then people should not reach to Novosibirsk and in southern regions of the country through Moscow. To fly through Ekaterinburg it turns out much more cheaply and faster».

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