The big fishing on Yamal will come to the end in 2 weeks

The big fishing on Yamal will come to the end in 2 weeks
Tazovsky fishermen plan to finish a winter craft of fish approximately in two weeks.

For today extraction makes more than 200 tons. It is less, than last year. At the same time, quality of fish is better usual, experts mark. At 40-degree frosts it directly on grounds was exposed natural shock a frost, and in the absence of thaw did not thaw and did not deform.

As studio "Fact", third winter extraction within February informs have taken out from grounds to district. On craft places is still an order of 120 tons extraction. These are 4 thousand bags.

Most likely, in couple of weeks the winter craft in "Tazagrorybprome" will be finished. On the basic residence of women and children plan to throw by helicopter, and men together with family belongings home will go on snowmobiles.

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