Standard and Poor's has estimated monetary reserves of Yamal

The international rating agency Standard and Poor's has improved the forecast on ratings of Yamal. In particular, the forecast on long-term credit rating ВВ + and to a rating on a national scale ruАА + is changed with "Stable" on "Positive".

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", indicators of execution of the budget of autonomous region for 2009 have appeared better, than it was expected. Yamal has saved up considerable monetary reserves and plans to keep adherence to the conservative financial policy.

On a share of Yamal 70 % of all proved stocks of gas of Russia, owing to what a total regional product per capita in district – one of the highest in the Russian Federation today are necessary.

"Forecast" Positive »reflects our opinion that strong budgetary indicators JANAO will remain thanks to the conservative financial policy of region, including formation of reserve fund, and also the weighed management of budgetary expenses of district. Besides, conservative plans of Yamal regarding loans per 2010-2012» are considered a position of liquidity which now can be characterised as «excellent», and also, – credit analyst Standard and Poor's makes comments on Karen Vartapetov.

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