In New Urengoe have caughted smuggler-drug addict

In New Urengoe have caughted smuggler-drug addict
Investigation of the criminal deal is finished In New Urengoe about contraband marijuana.

In the course of preliminary effect was installed that at the beginning initially September 2009, in лесополосе on fringe sowed;sown, located in Crimean area r. Ukraines, smuggler has collected the hemp. Vysushennye plants he certain time kept beside itself in house.

Before return in New Urengoy he has placed the marijuana in seven plastic bottles, has ed them between itself metallic wire and has hidden in fuel tank of the car Volkswagen-Trade wind .

The Man to manage without hindrance to carry the drugs through customs border of the Russian Federation, but on ямальском stationary post to militias Kordon-1 in the course of досмотра car employee to militias criminal cargo was discovered and will withdraw.

Besides under the personal досмотре swindler, who was found able narcotic intoxication was discovered and withdrawn narcotic facility-mixture, containing heroin by mass 6, 3 gr, reports the press-service UVD on YANAO.

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