In New Urengoy opened fuel theft

In New Urengoy opened fuel theft
One of these days policemen of New Urengoy on "hot scents" opened theft of diesel fuel, and at the same time and some more crimes which were earlier made by the detainee.

In a call center of police of New Urengoy the man who has declared addressed that at night someone opened a fuel tank of "Kamaz" left at an entrance and merged from it about 150 liters of diesel fuel.

The message on plunder of diesel fuel was immediately transferred to members of investigatory and operative group who very quickly managed to solve this crime. On suspicion in theft the 28-year-old man who earlier already had a criminal record for similar crimes was detained. As it appeared, besides this theft, during stay on freedom he managed to steal two accumulators and more than 100 liters of diesel fuel.

Now the next judicial proceedings are necessary to the man. Concerning it criminal case on a part 1 of article 158 of the criminal code of Russian Federation - theft was brought. For the period of investigatory actions the suspect was released on recognizance.

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