Tazovchane have collected «a parcel to the soldier»

Tazovchane have collected «a parcel to the soldier»
In a parcel such subjects as are collected: a tooth-paste, soap, cigarettes, handkerchiefs, socks, canned food, sweets, writing-books, envelopes, handles. All these subjects are resolved by Charter ВС and Rospotrebnadzorom. Under an interdiction such subjects as cutting, pricking, ceramic and glass subjects, medical products, perishable food get.

To parcel gathering heads of many enterprises, inhabitants of area willingly respond.

In addition to parcels participants of public association «XXI-st century Youth» write letters to soldiers, about an area life, about essential problems, last bright events of events in district, the press-service of Tazovsky area informs.

Gathering of parcels is dated for Day of the defender of fatherland, participants of the action hope that each of 52 military men of area will receive a parcel in weight more than two kg.

Organizers of the action are:
Management on the youth policy of administration of Tazovsky area;
Military commissariat JANAO on Tazovsky r-well;
The centre of the socially-psychological help to a family and youth "Hope".

Let's wish our children to serve fairly, to be typed health, good luck, patience and somewhat quicker to come back home.

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