Peoples prepare for expedition in "Stalin" places

Peoples prepare for expedition in "Stalin" places
In the beginning of September the group peoples will go for city boundaries towards Salekhard for studying of the objects which have remained since erection of so-called 501st building.

Nadym researchers which number will include representatives of administration of Nadym area, youth, regional specialists, during expedition plan to study in details the remained constructions which have remained subjects, certificates of Stalin time.

As the press-service of administration of municipality informs, the route way is already planned. The group will reach territory of Priuralsky area and will visit 20 camp points. In total participants of expedition should overcome an order of 140 kilometers. In connection with a considerable quantity of water barriers they will reach from one camp another not only on foot, but also by means of water vehicles.

In spite of the fact that the project while is in a stage of detailed studying and working out, the administration of Nadym area has plans to make some fragments of 501st building objects of a cultural-historical heritage. As the variant — one of camp points becomes a museum open-air, and it, according to organizers, should involve on territory of Yamal, Nadym area of tourists.

Also the decision a part of the remained subjects to transfer in a museum of history and archeology of a city of Nadym is accepted.

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