In Noyabrsk the lowest prices for socially significant products in YANAO
Within the limits of the project «National control» which started on September, 3rd, 2010, representatives of the City administration of Noyabrsk take part in checks of retail prices for articles of food of the first necessity.
The assistant to the Head of administration, the chairman of the council on development of small and average business in МО Noyabrsk Sergey Lavrinets has made a working trip to settlement of Railwaymen in which has visited three grocery shops. Summing up check Sergey Lavrinets has noticed that as a whole the assortment presented in shops, and also the price policy of shops has made good impression, and actions for restraint of retail prices will be spent and further, special carefully control will be spent on the threshold of New Year's holidays.
The assistant to the Head of administration, the chairman of the council on development of small and average business in МО Noyabrsk Sergey Lavrinets has made a working trip to settlement of Railwaymen in which has visited three grocery shops. Summing up check Sergey Lavrinets has noticed that as a whole the assortment presented in shops, and also the price policy of shops has made good impression, and actions for restraint of retail prices will be spent and further, special carefully control will be spent on the threshold of New Year's holidays.
В Надыме похитили полмиллиона "агропромышленных" рублей
Уголовное дело по факту хищения более полумиллиона рублей, выделенных на поддержку агропромышленного комплекса, возбуждено в Надыме. Установлено, что 15 января 2009 г. директор ООО «Хамба» Михаил Яр с целью получения субсидий из окружного бюджета на государственную поддержку сельскохозяйственного производства ЯНАО, заключил соглашение с департаментом АПК ЯНАО. В соответствии с соглашением из окружного бюджета обществу выделяются денежные средства в форме субсидий на производство и переработку мяса оленей по ставке 90 тыс. рублей за одну тонну мяса в убойном весе.
In Nadym have stolen a half-million of "agroindustrial" roubles
Criminal case upon plunder more a half-million of the roubles allocated for support of agriculture, is raised in Nadym. The press-service of Office of Public Prosecutor JANAO informs on it.
It is established that on January, 15th, 2009 the director of Open Company "Hamba" Michael Jar for the purpose of reception of grants from the district budget on the state support of agricultural production YANAO, has entered into the agreement with agrarian and industrial complex JANAO department. According to the agreement from the district budget to a society money resources in the form of grants for manufacture and processing of meat of deer under the 90 thousand roubles rate for one ton of meat in lethal weight are allocated.
It is established that on January, 15th, 2009 the director of Open Company "Hamba" Michael Jar for the purpose of reception of grants from the district budget on the state support of agricultural production YANAO, has entered into the agreement with agrarian and industrial complex JANAO department. According to the agreement from the district budget to a society money resources in the form of grants for manufacture and processing of meat of deer under the 90 thousand roubles rate for one ton of meat in lethal weight are allocated.
Спортсмены Ноябрьска завоевали I место
В Ноябрьске состоялась церемония закрытия Всероссийского турнира по баскетболу на Кубок «Газпромнефть-Ноябрьскнефтегаза» среди юношей 94–95-го годов рождения. В турнире принимали участие сборные команды из Томска, Тюмени, Лангепаса, Омска и Ноябрьска. Хозяев турнира представляли две команды, которые на сегодняшний день являются сильнейшими баскетболистами Ямала в своей возрастной группе.

Sportsmen of Noyabrsk have won 1 place
In Noyabrsk the closing ceremony of the All-Russia tournament on basketball on the Cup of "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaza" among young men of 94-95th years of a birth on December, 5th has taken place. National teams took part in tournament from Tomsk, Tyumen, Langepas, Omsk and Noyabrsk. Owners of tournament were represented by two commands which for today are the strongest basketball players of Yamal in the age group.

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