The tundra population will vote ahead of schedule
On March, 14th, 2010 in territory of all Yamal-Nenets autonomous region will pass elections of deputies of Legislative Assembly JANAO.
In Nadym area also will pass municipal elections:
In village Nori will select the head of administration,
In Pravohettinsky will pass a by-election in the deputy case of settlement.
In Nadym area also will pass municipal elections:
In village Nori will select the head of administration,
In Pravohettinsky will pass a by-election in the deputy case of settlement.
The Ministry of Emergency Measures reminds as correctly to "be christened"
Today, on January, 19th, orthodox Christians on Yamal mark one of great holidays - Kreshchenie Gospodne, or the Epiphany. At this time into ice water are dipped not only the prepared people, but also those who does it for the first time.
Young Tazovchane have received apartments
In 2009 25 children-orphans were received by apartments. For acquisition of apartments in it has been allocated an order of forty millions roubles.
All is ready to the Christening ceremony
In the city of Labytnangi prepare for the Christening ceremony. Preparation of two fonts and an ice-hole for a holy water set is at present complete.
To kindergarten will return a building
At present, in children's home of Labytnangi lives 39 children. The maintenance of one child in a year manages in 1,385 thousand rbl., the budget also pays expenses on the maintenance and service of buildings. Not in full power other children's homes of district are involved also.
Ljuba lived 42 thousand years ago
Mamontenok Ljuba found in May, 2007, there lived 42 thousand years ago, instead of 32 thousand years as scientists assumed. To such to conclusions, the paleontologists investigating a cub of a mammoth have come. It as Galina Karzanova has noted, the senior scientific employee of muzejno-expocentre JANAO of Shemanovsky, was possible to establish and a cause of death Mamontenok – it has failed under ice and has choked with silt.
10 years for narcotic straws
In Noyabrsk by employees UFS under the control over a drug trafficking on JANAO it has been withdrawn over 8 kg The makovoj straws. The makovaja straws have been withdrawn from not working 35-year-old citizen рес. Azerbaijan.
Jury Neyelov has handed over keys to new settlers
Jury Neyelov has visited with working visit to Muravlenko. During visit the governor has taken part in solemn ceremony of delivery of keys to the future inhabitants of a new 90-condominium.
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- • Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов встретился с участниками юбилейного форума «Российский Север»• Новость одной строкойНа Ямале внедряют систему «Умный перекресток»• Новость одной строкойПоликлиника в Пурпе получит новые возможности благодаря масштабной модернизации• Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов вручил северянкам медали «Материнская слава Ямала»• Новость одной строкойСлужба занятости населения со следующего года запустит проект по комплексному подбору кадров• Новость одной строкойСергей Климентьев и Любовь Таскаева обсудили помощь военнослужащим и их родным• Новость одной строкойПочти 47 тонн макулатуры собрали ямальцы в рамках всероссийской акции «БумБатл»• Новость одной строкойУже в следующем году пройти МРТ северяне смогут во всех ямальских городах• Новость одной строкойМолодежь Нового Уренгоя будет изготавливать на 3D-принтерах детали для дронов
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